Monday, May 12, 2014

Carolyn Braden's 4th Grade: Shoe Design

We often discuss art related careers during class. I want students to have a purpose for creating art. Students learned how shoes are designed by shoe designers and if they love shoes, they could grow up to do just that. Students love their shoes, so we painted them. Some designed their own and some used their shoes as inspiration. 

Carolyn Braden: 3rd Grade Embroidery

After studying Peruvian art and viewing their beautiful embroidery, my 3rd grade created their own inspired pieces. These shown are works in progress.

This is a finished piece being critiqued. 

Carolyn Braden's 5th Grade: Quilling

Students completed this quilling project a little while ago. They got super creative with it! After creating the art, we did a gallery walk and my 2 Stars and a Wish critique.